1.Paralysis or missed appointments : These dreams can mean you are trying to avoid conflict and are using avoidance as a solution.
2.Note: the actual module in Txt2Html is called dmTxt2Html to avoid conflict with the name of a module written by someone else.
3.China's growing confidence in dealing with the US, and the world in general, is still matched by a cautious desire to avoid conflict.
4.You can't avoid anger any more than you can avoid conflict, insists psychotherapist Beverly Engel in her book, Honor Your Anger.
5.Simon Corbell, the ACT's attorney-general, says he made 63 amendments during its drafting to avoid conflict with the Marriage Act.
6.The human side of me wanted to protect myself, avoid conflict, and stay away from harm.
7.It would be wrong for any leader in so fragile a country as Ukraine to renege on all the pledges he makes to avoid conflict.
8.Under this plan, Jerusalem was intended to be an international region under UN administration to avoid conflict over its status.
9.Happy marital relationship is the tolerance and mutual understanding, calm, not the extreme pressure anger, to avoid conflict.
10.Herd mentality is the tendency to adopt the opinions and follow the behaviors of the majority to feel safer and to avoid conflict.